The Abiding Heart Education™️ approach is centred on the experiential Buddhist learning and contemporary pedagogies for kindergarten through to class 8 and it is also of particular interest to those who seek professional and inner transformation. Our courses combine Buddhist studies with a transformative and experiential learning approach to learning that is woven through the Waldorf pedagogy. We offer full-time kindergarten and primary teacher education courses, Experiential Buddhist Foundation Studies, and also short courses and retreats. Our courses are offered as a hybrid of online and in-person classes.
We offer kindergarten and Primary to Early Secondary (age 6 to 14) teaching diploma courses which interweave academic lectures, practical curriculum studies, Himalayan Buddhist paubha painting and charya dance classes, experiential contemplative art, meditation classes, and teaching placements. We also offer parts of our teacher training as stand-alone courses which are open to all. The curriculum fuses the live experiential Buddhist tradition which emphasises applying the knowledge acquired to everyday experience, with Steiner/Waldorf methodology and developmental science, giving rise to a unique and transformative children’s pedagogy.
The Abiding Heart Education courses are for those who seek inner transformation and to those involved in: teaching and teacher education (kindergarten, Primary to Early Secondary (age 6 to 14), middle school, special and inclusive education); children’s social care, child and adult welfare; children’s health care, psychology and therapy; students and researchers of the mentioned disciplines; parents; contemplative traditions based schools around the world; Buddhist monastic schools; holistic centres with a children’s programme.
Teacher Training Diploma Courses
in Experiential Buddhist Education
Teacher Training Courses Study Format
Livestream online; In-person classes; Recorded support lessons; Independent study; Tutorials; Assignments; Access to mentors
3 evenings a week
Tuesday, Wednesday 5:30pm to 9.00pm(Nepal time)
Thursday 5.30pm to 7.30pm
1 afternoon a week
Sunday 1.15pm to 2.45pm
One weekend a month: Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Sep, Nov, Dec
Friday 5.30pm - 9pm
Saturday 9.00am - 5pm
Sunday 9.00am - 5pm
In-person intensive:
Autumn semester (Nov) - 12 days
Spring semester (May) - 12 days
For more information about our teacher training courses, please see our brochure
Part Time Teacher Training Courses Route
The above short courses form part of our full-time two-year teacher education diploma programmes.
We are offering these short courses as stand alone, for personal and professional development purposes.
These short courses are also catered for students who are unable, at this point, to commit to our full-time diploma programmes or would like to try some of the courses first before deciding to continue with the rest of the full time diploma route.
For more information about this study route option or for an informal chat, please contact our admissions coordinator