Abiding Heart Education™️ 方法以從幼兒園到 8 年級的變化性體驗式佛教學習為中心,對於那些尋求專業和內在轉變的人來說,它也特別感興趣。我們的課程將佛教教義與通過華德福教學法編排的變化性和體驗式學習方法相結合。我們提供全日制和非全日制幼兒園和小學教師培訓、佛教基礎研究以及短期課程。由於時勢所趨,我們所有的課程都是在線上的。
Abiding Heart Education™️ 方法以從幼兒園到 8 年級的變化性體驗式佛教學習為中心,對於那些尋求專業和內在轉變的人來說,它也特別感興趣。我們的課程將佛教教義與通過華德福教學法編排的變化性和體驗式學習方法相結合。我們提供全日制和非全日制幼兒園和小學教師培訓、佛教基礎研究以及短期課程。由於時勢所趨,我們所有的課程都是在線上的。
恆心教育課程是為那些尋求內在轉變的人以及那些參與:教學和教師培訓(幼兒園、小學1-8 班),中學,特殊和全面教育);兒童的社會關懷、兒童和成人福利;兒童保健、心理學和治療;上述學科的學生和研究人員;父母;世界各地的佛教學校;佛教寺院;設有兒童節目的佛教中心。
Teacher Training Courses Study Format
Livestream online; In-person classes; Recorded support lessons; Independent study; Tutorials; Assignments; Access to mentors
3 evenings a week
Tuesday, Wednesday 5:30pm to 9.00pm(Nepal time)
Thursday 5.30pm to 7.30pm
1 afternoon a week
Sunday 1.15pm to 2.45pm
One weekend a month: Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Sep, Nov, Dec
Friday 5.30pm - 9pm
Saturday 9.00am - 5pm
Sunday 9.00am - 5pm
In-person intensive:
Autumn semester (Nov) - 12 days
Spring semester (May) - 12 days
For more information about our teacher training courses, please see our brochure
Part Time Teacher Training Courses Route
The above short courses form part of our full-time two-year teacher education diploma programmes.
We are offering these short courses as stand alone, for personal and professional development purposes.
These short courses are also catered for students who are unable, at this point, to commit to our full-time diploma programmes or would like to try some of the courses first before deciding to continue with the rest of the full time diploma route.
For more information about this study route option or for an informal chat, please contact our admissions coordinator